Can You Make Money from Paid iOS Apps?

If you’ve been searching high and low for the answer to whether a paid app can make money, then I’m here to finally give you the answer.  Are you ready? The answer is yes. The full answer is that in order to get sales, you will have to do a lot of marketing on your own. Apple doesn’t show a lot of paid apps to its users, so relying on the App Store to drive downloads will only get you a few sales.


In my time on the App Store, I found that while my free apps organically pulled hundreds to thousands of daily impressions, my paid apps barely went over 30. Every paid app I’ve made has at least one sale to it’s name, so at least you’ll know one person will love it! 


If you’re averse to advertising, make the app freemium or submit it to a website like App of the Day and make it free for a day or two. This gets a steady stream of users that will rate your app and others will think everyone else paid for the app making them more inclined to purchase. Offering the app for free unlocks the daily reports for your app, as the info is not given for applications with low impressions.